

WordPress Core Contributor

I’m officially unofficially a WordPress core contributor! Earlier this month I decided that I wanted to contribute to WordPress. The first step I took was joining the WordPress slack channel and I mostly silently (with the odd sentence here and there) observed various...

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Single Responsibility Principle

There are many ways of architecting software. There are many ways of organising code. When an architect (in this case Software engineer or programmer) decides to create a plugin, he/she must decide how they’re going to organise the logic of the code. In the Single...

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Beautiful Code

I have been working on researching this very topic the last while. This is such a broad topic with many opinions from so many people. When joining different agencies, I have been given rules to follow every time. There have been times when I argued we should do...

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Traits, tests and things I learned

Traits In the Merriam Webster, a trait is defined as: an inherited characteristic a distinguishing quality In programming languages that support it, for example PHP, Java, Rust, etc., a trait provides a set of methods that implements behaviour to a class, and require...

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