
PHP 7.4.7 was released on June 11, 2020.

It looks like this was a pure bug fix release. You can find a list of bug fixes here: PHP 7.4.7 change log

PHP 8 Release Date

PHP 8 will be released in November 26 2020 now instead of December 3, 2020. This schedule is still not set in stone, but I’m very excited about the next version of PHP!

Source: PHP 8 Release Schedule

PHP 25th anniversary

Rasmus Lerdorf started working on PHP 25 years ago. You can view more about the last 25 years in this YouTube video Rasmus Landorf presenting on PHP.

Different vendors are having sales to celebrate the anniversary. JetBrains had a 50% off sale for phpStorm and php[Architect] is having a 25% off sale for their subscription to celebrate the anniversary. https://www.phparch.com/

WordPress 5.4 and 5.5 features I’m excited for:
WordPress 5.4 (Adderly) was released in March 2020. WordPress 5.4 introduced several Gutenberg updates and some new functions:

apply_shortcodes() was introduced as an alternative to do_shortcode() apply_shortcodes()
Gutenberg blocks: (Block updates)
– Social Icons
– Buttons
– Gutenberg General updates
– Easier drag and drop
– Gradient Theme API
– You can use a gradient as a background in a cover and a button block. This is doable via new theme APIs Gradient Theme APIs

You can go here to view a more in-depth list of changes Version 5.4 changes.

WordPress 5.5 changes

I’m excited about lazy loading making it into the core. WordPress 5.5 will be using the native browser functionality to support the lazy loading of images. You can view the browser support for this feature here: Image Loading attribute

You will be able to use the following functions to control lazy loading:

Another big feature scheduled to come to WordPress 5.5 is Auto-Update for Plugins and Themes. Feature Plugin WP Auto Updates